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Prizes and Awards

Kraków panorama

Kraków in business rankings


In the fDi's European Cities and Regions of the Future 2024, Kraków was awarded in the following categories:

  • Top 10 Large European Cities of the Future 2023 - kategoria: Business Friendliness - rank 1
  • Top 10 Large European Cities of the Future 2023 – kategoria: Human Capital & Lifestyle - rank 1
  • Top 10 Large European Cities of the Future 2023 – kategoria: Economic Potential – rank 6
  • Top 10 Large European Cities of the Future 2023 – overall - rank 4

Kraków has been awarded the titles:  "Municipality on 5!" and “Gold Municipality on 5!”  in the 2023/24 edition of the ranking prepared by SGH Warsaw School of Economics


Kraków ranked 2nd in the Business-Friendly Cities 2023 ranking in the category of cities over 300,000 residents, organized by Forbes. Our city has been in the top positions in this ranking for several years.

Kraków has been awarded the titles:  "Municipality on 5!" and “Gold Municipality on 5!”  in the 2022/23 edition of the ranking prepared by SGH Warsaw School of Economics.

In the fDi's European Cities and Regions of the Future 2023, Kraków was awarded in the following categories:

  • Top 10 Large European Cities of the Future 2023 - kategoria: Business Friendliness - rank 1
  • Top 10 Large European Cities of the Future 2023 – kategoria: Human Capital & Lifestyle - rank 2
  • Top 10 Large European Cities of the Future 2023 – kategoria: Economic Potential – rank 6
  • Top 10 Large European Cities of the Future 2023 – overall - rank 3


In the fDi's European Cities and Regions of the Future 2022/23 ranking, prepared for years by the prestigious publisher - fDi Magazine, Kraków was awarded in the following categories:

  • Top 10 Eastern European Cities of the Future 2022/2021- Business Friendliness - rank 1
  • Top 10 Large European Cities of the Future 2022/2023 – Human Capital & Lifestyle - rank 2
  • Top 10 Large European Cities of the Future 2022/2023 –  Economic Potential – rank 6
  • Top 10 Large European Cities of the Future 2022/2023 - overall - rank 4
  • Top 10 Large European Cities of the Future 2022/2023 - FDI Strategy- rank 9

Kraków ranked 3rd in the Business-Friendly Cities 2022 ranking in the category of cities over 300,000 residents, organized by Forbes.

Kraków has been awarded the titles:  "Municipality on 5!" and “Gold Municipality on 5!”  in the 2021/22 edition of the ranking prepared by SGH Warsaw School of Economics.


Kraków ranked 1st in the Business-Friendly Cities 2021 organized by Forbes (among cities from 300 to 999 thousand residents).

Kraków has been awarded the titles:  "Municipality on 5!" and “Gold Municipality on 5!”  in the 2020/21 edition of the ranking prepared by SGH Warsaw School of Economics.

In the Tholons Global Innovation Index 2021 ranking, Kraków strengthened its position among the TOP 100 Super Cities, taking 20th place. Compared to the previous year, this is an advance of as many as 5 places. Beside Krakow, the ranking includes two other Polish cities, Warsaw (35th place) and Wrocław (99th place).


Kraków has been awarded the title "Municipality on 5!" in the ranking of the Municipality on 5! Good practices in entrepreneurs support. 2019/20 report, organized by SGH Warsaw School of Economics.

In the Tholons Global Innovation Index 2020 ranking, Krakow placed among the Top 100 Super Cities taking 25th position.

Kraków took 10th place in the new fDi Tier 2 Cities of the Future 2020/21 ranking in the business friendliness category. This ranking aims to take a closer look at non-capital cities that attract investors' attention. As there is no standard definition, the ranking defines secondary cities as non-capital cities that attract no more than 20% of total fDi projects in their country and no less than 1%, with a combined population of less than eight million. This form of categorization of cities is also described in the Kraków Development Strategy 2030, where Kraków as a second-tier European city is a place of global attractiveness, innovation and an engine of economic growth, characterized by a high level of social cohesion, the wealth of democratic platforms and cultural diversity.

Kraków in the Top 25 Tech Cities of the Future 2020/21 international ranking developed by fDi and TNW. Data was collected for 76 locations, under five categories: Economic Potential, Innovation & Attractiveness, FDI Performance, Cost Effectiveness and Start-up Environment.

In the fDi's European Cities and Regions of the Future 2020/21 ranking, prepared for years by the prestigious publisher - fDi Magazine, Kraków was awarded in the following categories:

Top 10 Eastern European Cities of the Future 2020/2021- rank 10

Top 10 Large European Cities of the Future 2020/ 2021 – rank 8

Top 10 Large European Cities of the Future 2020/ 2021 –  Economic Potential – rank 7

Top 10 Large European Cities of the Future 2020/ 2021 - Business Friendliness - rank 7


In the "CEE Investment Report 2019: Thriving Metropolitan Cities", ranking of the fastest growing cities in the European Union, Kraków took 8th place in Europe and 2nd in Poland. Krakow in the top - 3rd place, in the category "Share of population with higher education", behind London and Warsaw.

In the Tholons Services Globalization CITY INDEX 2019 ranking, Krakow placed among the Top 100 Super Cities taking 11th position.

Kraków in the Forbes 2019 ranking received:

  • 2nd place in the category " Business Friendly City" among cities from 300 to 999 thousand residents
  • 2nd place in the category  "The most ecological city in Poland"

Kraków at the top of the fDi Polish Cities of the Future 2019/2020 ranking

Financial Times in the fDi Polish Cities of the Future 2019/2020 ranking once again took a close look at Polish cities, verifying them in terms of indicators proving the attraction of foreign direct investment. Fifty Polish cities were analysed and classified into five main categories: economic potential, human capital and lifestyle, cost effectiveness, connectivity and business friendliness. In each of them, leaders were selected for large, medium and small cities and a general ranking was prepared as well.

Thus, in the Top 10 Polish Cities of the Future ranking fDi 2019/2020 Kraków turned out to be the best location among regional cities (1st place was taken by the capital). In three categories: economic potential, human capital and lifestyle, as well as business friendliness, Kraków was ranked high on the 2nd place. On the other hand, in the Top 5 Large Polish Cities of the Future ranking fDi 2019/2020 Kraków took 2nd place in four categories, and fifth place in the cost effectiveness category. It means that the capital of Małopolska offering the  high standard of living and urban infrastructure, competes with quality rather than low price, being at the same time the most advantageous location in Europe for the shared services sector.

In both rankings Kraków took 2nd place in the general classification.


Krakow the best location for modern services in Europe in Tholons Services Globalization City Index 2018 - 6th place among the top 100 destinations for outsourcing in the world

TOP 10 fDi's Large European Cities of the Future 2018/19 - Business Friendliness (rank 2)

TOP 10 fDi's Eastern European Cities of the Future 2018/19 (rank 9)

TOP 10 fDi's Large European Cities of the Future 2018/19 (rank 10)

TOP 10 fDi's Large European Cities of the Future 2018/19 - Human Capital and Lifestyle (rank 9)


Krakow awarded the title of Polish city of the future as the best regional center - in the Financial Times ranking "fDi Polish Cities of the Future 2017/18"

Tholons Services Globalization Index 2017 (former Top 100 Outsourcing Destinations), Krakow the best location for modern services in the continental Europe - 8th place among the top 100 destinations for outsourcing in the world

- Krakow - the best location for modern services in the continental Europe - 8th place among the top 100 destinations for outsourcing in the world

Krakow in the top five cities in terms of attractiveness for business and cost effectiveness, merits in terms of: friendly atmosphere for business and economic potential.

Krakow ranked 4th in the Business-Friendly Cities 2017 organized by Forbes and Central Economic Information Center.

"The world's most competitive cities 2017" Kraków on Top 5 Cities in Eastern Europe & Central Asia in Business & Financial Services and IT & Communications.


Top 100 Outsourcing Destinations 2016 – Tholons

Krakow - the best location for modern services in Europe - 9th place among the top 100 destinations for outsourcing in the world

European Cities & Regions of the Future 2016/2017 - Financial Times fDi

Top 10 Large European Cities – Business Friendliness


Top 100 Outsourcing Destinations – Tholons

Krakow - the best location for modern services in Europe - 9th place among the top 100 destinations for outsourcing in the world


European Cities & Regions of the Future 2014/2015 - Financial Times fDi

Top 10 Eastern European Cities - FDI Strategy

Top 10 Large European Cities - Cost Effectiveness

Top 100 Outsourcing Destinations – Tholons

Krakow - the best location for modern services in Europe - 9th place among the top 100 destinations for outsourcing in the world


Top 100 Outsourcing Destinations – Tholons

 Krakow - the best location for modern services in Central and Eastern Europe


European Cities & Regions of the Future 2012/2013 - Financial Times fDi

Krakow - one of the most attractive cities in Eastern Europe

Krakow - one of the cities with the best pro-investment strategy

Krakow - one of the Eastern European cities in with the best pro-investment strategy

 Top 100 Outsourcing Destinations – Tholons

Krakow - the best location for modern services in Central and Eastern Europe


European Cities & Regions of the Future 2010/2011 - Financial Times fDi

Krakow - one of the most attractive cities in Eastern Europe

World Investment Report - UNCTAD

Krakow - the best venue for developing BPO projects

Top 10 Emerging Outsourcing Cities 2010 – Global Services & Tholons

Krakow – 1st place in the ranking of emergent locations for outsourcing

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Osoba publikująca: Dagmara Bobrowska-Dziduszko
Podmiot publikujący: Biznes w Krakowie
Data publikacji: 2020-12-09
Data aktualizacji: 2024-06-11